National Republican Senatorial Committee

The National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) is the Republican Hill committee for the United States Senate, working to elect Republicans to that body. The NRSC was founded in 1916 as the Republican Senatorial Campaign Committee. It was reorganized in 1948, and renamed the National Republican Senatorial Committee.

Recent Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist was an NRSC chair, and many feel he used it to make the connections that he used to become majority leader when Trent Lott resigned.

The NRSC helps elect Republican incumbents and challengers primarily through fundraising. Other services include promotion using media and communications, as well as research and strategy planning. The NRSC generally avoids supporting Republicans in primaries against other party members, though the 2006 Rhode Island Senate primary between Lincoln Chafee and mayor of Cranston Steve Laffey is a notable exception.

The NRSC sends out mass mailings to addresses in states where Republican senators are likely to be voted out. Mailings in October 2008 included one to Minnesota residents with the appearance of a comic book, but containing material unsuitable for children. Incumbent Sen. Norm Coleman condemned the action.[1]

Senate Republicans elected new leadership positions after the 2006 midterm elections on November 7, 2006. For a time it was unclear who would take over as chair of the NRSC. Sen. John Thune, who defeated Sen. Minority Leader Tom Daschle (D-SD) in the 2004 cycle, was considered the best pick, but he ruled himself out early in 2006. After receiving the blessing from his family and consulting with other Republicans in the Senate, Sen. John Ensign of Nevada announced on September 26, 2006 that he would seek the chairmanship. He was formally elected November 15, 2006. On November 18, 2008, Texas U.S Senator John Cornyn was elected chairman.


List of Chairmen

Name State Term of Service
Styles Bridges NH 1949-1951
Ralph Owen Brewster ME 1951-1953
Everett M. Dirksen IL 1953-1955
Barry M. Goldwater AZ 1955-1957
Everett M. Dirksen IL 1957-1959
Andrew F. Schoeppel KS 1959-1961
Barry M. Goldwater AZ 1961-1963
Thruston B. Morton KY 1963-1967
George Murphy CA 1967-1969
John Tower TX 1969-1971
Peter H. Dominick CO 1971-1973
William E. Brock III TN 1973-1975
Theodore F. Stevens AK 1975-1977
Robert Packwood OR 1977-1979
H. John Heinz III PA 1979-1981
Robert Packwood OR 1981-1983
Richard G. Lugar IN 1983-1985
H. John Heinz III PA 1985-1987
Rudy Boschwitz MN 1987-1989
Donald Nickles OK 1989-1991
Phil Gramm TX 1991-1995
Alfonse D'Amato NY 1995-1997
Mitch McConnell KY 1997-2001
William H. Frist TN 2001-2003
George F. Allen VA 2003-2005
Elizabeth H. Dole NC 2005-2007
John E. Ensign NV 2007-2009
John Cornyn TX 2009 - Present

See also


  1. ^ [1]

External links